
Lead Partner (LP1)  Greece Region of Peloponnese

The Region of Peloponnese (REGPEL), Greece, is the lead partner of FOCUS project and through its active participation in a large number of complex and demanding projects on both National, Mediterranean and International level has obtained extensive experience dealing with entrepreneurship, new technologies & innovation. The mission of REGPEL is to increase the competitiveness of regional SMEs adopting new technologies, models and mechanisms that are compatible with the local market and international trends as well as enhance the regional sustainability and growth.

Contact person:

Name: Dimitris Kokkinis

Job title: Project Manager

Tel: +302713601105



Partner (P2) Greece National Technical University of Athens – School of Chemical Engineering

National Technical University (NTUA) is the oldest and most prestigious educational institution of Greece in the field of technology, and has contributed unceasingly to the country’s scientific, technical and economic development. The work developed by the NTUA includes a wide range of analysis and design activities, in production and service level.

The Laboratory of Process Analysis and Design (LPAD) of the School of Chemical Engineering at NTUA is participating in FOCUS project. LPAD has great experience on cutting edge basic research, focusing on the design and optimization of various processes and food products. The area of expertise of LPAD can be summarized in design of physical industrial processes, such as drying methods, extraction methods, novel encapsulation methods, etc. LPAD also works on the development of mathematical models and simulators describing the physical processes and thermophysical properties of materials, as well as on full product design including process optimization and scalability. A holistic product development also takes place including sensory control of the final products, shelf life and user’s acceptance determination. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Environmental management are also applied for the determination of the economic and environmental impact of several products and processes.

The laboratory is staffed with 2 Professors, 2 EDIP and 1 ETEP members, 5 post-doc researchers, 10 Ph.D. graduate students and more than 15 Diploma research thesis students. The research group has participated in more than 100 national and international projects and has a long experience in the management and coordination.

Contact person:

Name: Magdalini Krokida

Job title: Professor,  Chemical Engineering

Tel: +302107723150




Partner (P3) Greece Agriculture University of Athens –Faculty of Crop Science

Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) is the 3rd oldest university in Greece. Since 1920, contributes consistently and continuously to Greek and European primary sector development, by conducting basic and applied research in agricultural related sciences. AUA conducts the 1/3 of the agricultural research in Greece. The University is situated on a green campus that straddles close to the Acropolis, at the heart of the ancient Olive Grove. AUA campus is a complex of 16 buildings comprising of auditoriums, 41 fully equipped laboratories, a modern library, computer clusters, extensive agricultural facilities (an arboretum, vineyard, experimental fields, flower garden, greenhouses, cowshed, sheep pen, chicken coop, dairy installations, aquaculture tanks). AUA counts 185 academic stuff, 300 supportive stuff, 3,000 students, 450 MSc students and 250 PhD students. AUA research funding schemes come from the private sector as well EU and Greek research projects. In particular, AUA the last 4 years has participated, as a leader or partner in more than 50 EU projects. AUA contributions address a wide range of issues related to food safety and environmental protection significantly affecting the daily lives of Greek and Europeans citizens: food quality and safety, water resource conservation, organic farming, alternative energy sources, biotechnological applications in agriculture, information and communications technology.

Contact Person:

Name: Dimitrios Bilalis

Job title: Professor

Tel: 00302105294494




Partner (P4) Cyprus Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) is operating as a Federation of the District Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the five major towns of Cyprus, Nicosia, Limassol, Famagusta, Larnaca and Paphos, which have jurisdiction in their respective towns and districts.

The Chamber’s membership exceeds 8000 enterprises from the whole spectrum of business activity representing more than 95% of the business community of the country.  More than 140 Professional Associations from the sectors of commerce, industry and services are also affiliated to the Chamber, among which the Cyprus Association of Young Entrepreneurs and the Federation of Business and Professional Women, while the Chamber has participated in two cycles of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme of the EU.

The CCCI hosts the European Business Support Centre-Cyprus which is a member of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) with close to 600 member organisations in more than 50 countries across Europe and beyond. Moreover, the CCCI represents the business community of Cyprus in international fora and organisations, organises seminars, participates in EU programmes and initiatives which are of particular interest to the business people, and organises professional examinations in a number of business-related subjects. The intense training activity of the CCCI covers a wide spectrum of business issues.

Responsible person:

Name: Monica Andreou

Job title: Officer

Tel: +357 22899747




Partner (P5) Albania AULEDA Local Economic Development Agency  of  Vlore

The Local Economic Development Agency of  Vlora Region, AULEDA, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to encourage a sustainable, balanced and cohesive socio-economic development at local and regional level. AULEDA was incorporated on July, 2003  with the support of the UNOPS-PASARP Programme. Auleda is an independent body, with its own legal structure and functional autonomy, based on a public and private partnership. AULEDA has implemented  40 projects focused on tourism, agriculture, environment, public administration, handcraft and medicinal herbs industry, energy and IT sector etc. Auleda has implemented 13 IPA projects, 5 of them under the IPA Cross Border program, 3 from IPA program, one IPA Strategic, one IPA capitalization, one from ADRION Program and 2 projects from Interreg Med program.

Contact person:

Name: Mirela Koci,

Job title: Executive Director

Tel: +355 692075550



Partner (P6) Bulgaria Business Support Centre for Small and Medium Enterprises – Ruse

BSC SME – Ruse is a non-governmental and non-profit organization established in 1996. Its main purpose is to support by all available means the business in the North Central Region of Bulgaria, especially the small and medium size enterprises, to stimulate their development, as well as to co-ordinate, incorporate and complement the activity of all those organizations and structures, assisting the SMEs, and to establish contacts on local, national and international level.

BSC SME – Ruse is a member of Enterprise Europe Network, the largest network for supporting companies, as well as a member of the Danube Strategy Steering Group for Priority area 8 “To Support the Competitiveness of Enterprises, including Cluster Development” and the Danube Strategy Steering Group for Priority area 9 “To Invest In People And Skills”. It implements various EU funded projects through Balkan-Med, Danube and Interreg Romania-Bulgaria Programmes.

Contact person:

Name: Ekaterina Yordanova

Job title: Expert in EU Programmes and Projects

Tel: 00359 82 821472




Partner (P7) Bulgaria  Agriculture University of Plovdiv – Faculty of Plant Protection and Agroecology

The Agricultural University – Plovdiv was established in 1945. The major structural units are the four faculties (Faculty of Agronomy, Faculty of Horticulture with Viticulture, Faculty of Plant Protection and Agroecology, Faculty of Economics), offering training for the three educational degrees: bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programmes.

Important novel structural units of the Agricultural University, related to training and research activities, are: the Distance Learning Centre, Agroecological Centre, Research Centre with accredited Laboratory Complex, Demonstration Center for New Technologies in Agriculture, Centre of Integrated Management of Plant Diseases, Centre for Biological Testing, etc.

Key activities:

  1. Teaching and training of highly qualified specialists;
  2. Providing the academic background for the development of agricultural education and research;
  3. Carrying out R&D activities and transfer of innovations into agricultural practice, food and drink industry;
  4. Surveys, designing, consultancy, expertise and extension services, cooperation with SMEs.

The teaching process is linked with scientific investigations and practice for the efficient use of the resources and the provision of safety food and sustainable development.

The Educational and Experimental Fields occupy an area of 205. 1500 biological units are being maintained, with seed and planting material production. An up-to-date research and experimental winery has been built in the village of Brestnik. For the development of the animal science, various breeds of animals are kept for training and reproduction purposes and are constantly being enriched.

Human Resources: academic staff – 212, including full-time professors, associate professors and assistant professors; total number of academic, technical and administrative staff – 550.

In 2015 the Agricultural University celebrated its 70th Anniversary in harmony with the rich traditions and human potential, which are indispensable for the future development of modern agriculture and tourism. Bulgaria is a country that can contribute to solving global problems and challenges of the twenty-first century in the field of agricultural science and human nutrition.

Contact Person:

Name: Mariana Petkova

Job title:  Assis. prof. , PhD

Department of Microbiology and Environmental Biotechnology

Tel: 00359-32-654270



Partner (P8/ Observer) Greece Federation of Hellenic Food Industries

SEVT represents the Greek Food & Drink Industry on national, European and international level. It consists of food and drink companies and sector associations.

The mission of SEVT is to facilitate the development of a friendly enabling business environment that attracts investments. A framework where all food and drink companies, whatever their size, can operate responsibly in order to respond to the increasing needs of both consumers and society, while competing effectively towards a sustainable and inclusive growth.

The work of the Federation is based on sound scientific research, robust data management and effective communication, within the EU regulatory context, to ensure that all food and drink policy issues are dealt with a holistic manner. The main priorities safeguarded by SEVT include food safety and quality, nutrition and health, consumers’ trust, competitiveness, research and development, innovation and environmental sustainability.

SEVT operates in close collaboration with its members, as an active, committed and responsible partner.  It aims to increase the recognition of its key role for the food industry, through the promotion of its cultural and social values, as well as its wealth, diversity and traditions. By combining the Greek food sector heritage with innovation for the future, SEVT and its members aim to strengthen the industry’s competitive advantage in satisfying consumers’ needs by producing safe, affordable, healthy and sustainable products. SEVT also wishes to enhance consumers’ trust in the Greek Food & Drink Industry for its significant contribution to the daily lives of consumers in Greece and abroad.

The Food & Drink Industry is among the leading manufacturing sectors in Greece, in terms of turnover, added value and productivity and a key job provider. It remains a stable, competitive, resilient and robust sector, yet open to new challenges and opportunities.

Name: Dr Fotini Salta

Job title: Techno-Scientific Consultant

Tel: +30 210 6711177



The Project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and National Funds of the participating countries.

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